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quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011

The Doobie Brothers: What A Fool Believes

What A Fool Believes é a segunda faixa do álbum Minute by Minute (1978) da banda californiana The Doobie Brothers.

O bem sucedido hit foi composto por Kenny Loggins e Michael Mcdonald, que, aliás, é o melhor interprete da música, já que sua voz a torna memorável, transpassando gerações.

Não é por menos que o "tremendão" Erasmo Carlos ficou embasbacado ao assistir um show da banda no final da década de 70.

What A Fool Believes (Michael McDonald/Kenny Loggins)

He came from somewhere back in her long ago
The sentimental fool don’t see
Tryin’ hard to recreate
What had yet to be created once in her life

She musters a smile
For his nostalgic tale
Never coming near what he wanted to say
Only to realize
It never really was

She had a place in his life
He never made her think twice
As he rises to her apology
Anybody else would surely know
He’s watching her go

But what a fool believes he sees
No wise man has the power to reason away
What seems to be
Is always better than nothing
And nothing at all keeps sending him…

Somewhere back in her long ago
Where he can still believe there’s a place in her life
Someday, somewhere, she will return

She had a place in his life
He never made her think twice
As he rises to her apology
Anybody else would surely know
He’s watching her go

But what a fool believes he sees
No wise man has the power to reason away
What seems to be
Is always better than nothing
There’s nothing at all
But what a fool believes he sees…


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